
class uos_activpal.gui.raw_marker.MainWindow(parent=None, request_confidence=True)[source]

A raw_viewer.MainWindow subclass which adds the ability to mark points.

__init__(parent=None, request_confidence=True)[source]

Create an instance of a MainWindow.

  • parent (object) – The parent object.
  • request_confidence (bool) –
    Sets whether a dialog will appear, when the save button is pressed,
    which requests the confidence the correct point has been marked.


__init__([parent, request_confidence]) Create an instance of a MainWindow.
centerOnScreen() Centers the window on the screen.
clear_markers() Clear all placed markers.
load_new() Fetch new file, load the data and plot.
run_main() Fetch a data file and plot it.
save() Save marked points sample number, datetime, (and confidence) to csv file.
save_button_action() Run pre-save actions then save.
select_file() Bring up a file dialog to pick a file.
toggle_plot_marking() Activate / Deactivate the plot marking feature.


base_geometry (left, top, width, height) – The default window geometry.